Aldershot Model Car Club (AMCC)

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

19 November 2023


Attendees (Committee):

Simon Morhall (SM) Club Chairman.

Tunca Bergmen (TB) Club Web & IT Director.

Chris Greco (CG) Club Treasurer.

Note: Committee member - Race Director : Post currently vacant.

Attendees (Members):

Club Members attending the days racing - Winter Series Rounds 5&6.

Location: Inner Pit Area, AMCC.

Time: Approximately: 15:30 Hrs.


1. Apologies.

No apologies recorded.

2. Minutes of the Last Meeting.

No formal minutes available from previous meeting.

3. Matters Arising. The following matters had arisen from the previous meeting:

No matters were brought forward from the previous meeting.


4. Chairmans Report

4.1. Review of year (2023)

SM welcomed everyone to the meeting.

SM advised that the club had had a very robust year, with attendance at race days in particular being an

important part of the success. He thanked members for their fantastic support of club events. Members in

return thanked SM and all the Committee for their hard work throughout the year4.2. Membership

SM advised that membership renewal for 2024 is upcoming, and payment of fees due for the coming year

via the website will be available soon.

Post meeting note. As of 8th Feb 2024, we have 38 paid up members.

4.3 Plans for Future

SM advised that the plans for the coming year included the following:

• Replacement of Tannoy system.

• Replacement of timing loop.

• Removal of moss and the repair and surface treatment of the track.

• Repairs to rostrum.

SM briefly described the method of track surface treatment, and advised that a team would be required to

prep the track and apply the treatment. Several members offered to be part of this team. SM to advise

members when dates for the track treatment are agreed.

One member offered to investigate whether the track surface treatment could be sourced at a competitive

price. Post meeting note: SM has advised the treatment type, has a better price been found?


5. Finances.

SM advised that hosting the 2wd National Event in 2023 had boosted the club finances, and along with the

increased membership and good race day attendance, the club is in a better financial position when

compared to previous years.

Post meeting note: If needed further details of the cub finances can be obtained from SM & CG.

SM advised that because of the financial position of the club, the essential repairs to the cub facilities

required for 2024 could now be moved forward.

SM also advised that the committee had agreed that annual membership subscriptions and race day entry

fees, would remain unchanged for the 2024 season.


6. Committee Elections

SM advised that TB had decided to step back from conducting Race Director duties (which he has been

doing on a temporary basis in the absence of a formal post holder for that role).

In general however, the committee members had agreed to carry on in their formal roles for 2024.

Club Chairman

SM put himself forward to continue as Club Chairman.

SM was voted in unopposed and unanimously. No objections recorded.Club Treasurer

CG put himself forward to continue as Club Treasurer.

CG was voted in unopposed and unanimously. No objections recorded.

Club Web & IT Director

TB put himself forward to continue as Club Web & IT Director.

TB was voted in unopposed and unanimously. No objections recorded.

Club Race Director

No volunteers come forward to act as Race Director.

SM asked the members present at the meeting if anyone would take on this role in the committee. None

came forward

It was proposed by members that a team of people could be trained to carry out the Race Director role on

race days, but not be committee members. This was accepted as a workable solution, and several members

volunteered to be part of the team.

TB was tasked with training volunteers over the next race days.


7. Rule Changes & Other Motions

A recent on-line pole of members on a number of proposals had taken place in the weeks before the

meeting. The results are as follows:

Motion 1 - 17.5 Brusless Systems (Supersport)

Superspot to be able to run 17.5 brushless system and minimum weight, both same as KOC GT. A Gearing

limit may needed to make the speed equal between the brushed and brushless runners. (Proposed by Chris


For 12

Against 2

Decision : Motion Carried.

Motion 2 - Scale Body Shells (Supersport)

Is it worth thinking about mandatory scale bodies, i.e. GT, LeMans Prototype, scale touring cars etc. If people

are happy with Jellymould touring car bodies then thats fine too. (Proposed by Chris Greco).

For 5

Against 7

Decision : Motion Declined.

Motion 3 - Track Improvements

Identify top 5 or so projects for track improvements in 2024 and each get teams agreed and rough dates to

get them done. Examples PA system, Lap Count Loop, Track surface prep and paint, kerb painting.

(Proposed by Simon Morhall).

For 20

Against 0

Decision : Motion Carried.

Motion 4 - Rostrum Repairs

The rostrum needs some repairs. Can we raise funds either through race meetings or fund raising.

(Proposed by Steven Muscat)

For 18

Against 1

Decision: Motion Carried.

Motion 5 - Seeding Runs

Seeding runs similar to KoC events if there is more than say 10/15 drivers for that class on a day. Not sure if

this can be applied to a specific class or if it has to be the whole meeting? (Proposed by James Davis).

For 7

Against 8

Decision : Motion Declined.

It was noted that drivers are already roughly “seeded” by the Race Director when setting up heats.

Motion 6 - Additional Mains Connections

Income stream suggestion - provide a limited number of mains connections for charging from the mains for

x£ per meeting. This would be on a first come first served basis, potentially with preference for club

members. (Proposed by James Davis).

For 13

Against 5

Decision : Motion Declined

Although members voted in favour of this motion, SM advised that he did not believe there was

sufficient funds for available for this proposal. Similarly there was doubt that the existing power

supply to the timing hut would be sufficient for much additional electrical load.

Motion 7 - Supersport Tamiya references.

For Supersport Class: Remove references to Tamiya Chassis etc (i.e entire 3rd paragraph in the Club

Regulations) leaving the Regs as per paragraph 2. Hence clearer and simpler Regs, and allows for drivers

to move more easily between T/C classes if they wish, and still be competitive without having to buy another

chassis. (Proposed by John Williams).

For 15

Against 1

Decision: Motion Carried

Motion 8 - Class Reps

Introduce class representatives - who can be a focal point for each class, and report directly to the

Committeee when required. (Proposed by John Williams).

For 16

Against 1

Decision Motion Carried

Motion 9 - Maintenance Day

Club Maintenance Day. To organise a maintenance day to tackle the simpler tasks eg cutting bushes,

painting/repair to fences and general tidying. Many Hands make light work. (Proposed by Simon Hatch)

For 15

Against 2

Decision: Motion Carried

Motion 10 - Addisional BRCA Class

Additional 17.5 TC class to reflect the BRCA fixed Motor/ESC rules. To be run separately to the open 17.5

class in the summer/winter championships. (Prosed by Rob Baxter)

For 15

Against 3

Decision : Motion Carried

Motion 11 - F1 Kiss wet tyres

Ban the use of Kiss wet tyres for F1 purely based on their very high price. This will shrink the class as new

racers may not want to spend on these tyres to race in the Damp/Wet. (Proposed by Rob Baxter.).

For 7

Against 0

Decision: Motion Carried

Motion 12 - F1 - Foam Tyres

Allow the use of Foam tyres in F1 when WET ONLY, track must be declared “wet” in order to use them.

Rubber can still be used as an alternative, score in main championship. (Proposed by Rob Baxter).

For 7

Against 0

Decision : Motion Carried


10. National Events etc.

SM had previously mentioned the benefit to the club of hosting National and similar events, and are awaiting

announcements for 2024.

Post meeting Note: The following have since been announced for Aldershot.

2wd National Event: 15 & 16 June 2024. (F1 & Fronties)

King Of Clubs. 7th April 2024 (Warm-Up). 26th May 2024 (Round 2).

AMCC Club Summer Series. Dates have recently been distributed by CG

11. Track Management.

SM thanked everyone who had done any maintenance during the year, in particular Nick Phillips who’s pre

race day work had made the track look better than it has done for a long while. Keep up the good work.

14. AOB.

Trees: A number of members observed that the stand of trees between the car park and track were not

helping track conditions. Ross Dilanda mentioned that he recalled the Kiln agreeing to remove them a few

years ago.

SM advised that the Kiln appears to have very limited resources at present, however he would consider

raising the issue with them at an appropriate time.

15. DONM. The next AGM will take place in November 2024 unless advised otherwise. Precise date to be



16. Authors Proposals.

Items Proposed for next Meeting/Minutes (and consideration in the coming months)……..PTOProposal 1: Health and Safety.

Does the club need a committee member dedicated to Health & Safety?

Do we have any Risk Assessments, and have they been reviewed recently?

We need to include in future meetings & minutes - to record the clubs awareness of H&S.

Proposal 2: GDPR.

Does the Club need to comply with GDPR? What information on members do we hold and if any, is it being

kept up to date?

We need to include in future meetings & minutes - to record the clubs awareness of GPDR.

Proposal 3: Club Website.

Any changes required or updates - members feedback etc.

Proposal 4. Review of Club General Rules.

Annual review of the General Club Rules By Committee members

Minutes and Notes prepared by

John P Williams

8th February 2024

Any comments, please let me know.